A hug is the one thing that says a million things all at once; if no one has hugged you today; I am sending hugs and kisses your way.
A hug is like therapy we all need when we are down and just wish to escape the day’s stress.
It always creates a feeling of relaxation and calmness. It can be shocking to know that hugs reduce your blood pressure, slow your heart rate and improve your mood.

There were always points I felt like giving up; I was on the verge of breaking down because it all felt like life was leaving me.
Being in pharmacy school always seems like the dream of everyone, it was once mine, but now it’s my nightmare.
The unending practical sessions and the moments I had to have four hours of sleep each day.
I had no one close to comfort me and was losing my mind doing my professional exams.
I called my mom when I couldn’t take it any longer and we prayed over the phone for hours, it helped a little bit, but I knew that wasn’t what I needed.
I was losing my sanity and worst still I was staying alone in my rented apartment, and I didn’t have time either to go about visiting friends.
My mom came few days after and immediately I hugged her at the park I knew life was coming back to me once again.
I was surprised by the effect it had on me, but it did help me as it made me calm and a feeling that someone does care about me.