8 Harmful Ways Soda Can Affect Your Body

Soda is a widely enjoyed drink, but drinking it often can cause health problems. It can lead to weight gain and weaken bones due to its high sugar and added chemicals. Here are some harmful effects soda can have on your body.

Causing Weight Gain

Soda has a lot of added sugar but no real nutrients. Since it’s a liquid, it doesn’t make you feel full like solid food does, so you may end up drinking too many calories. Studies show that people who drink sugary sodas every day are more likely to gain weight and become overweight than those who don’t.

Affecting Bone Health

Many people worry that soda, especially cola, can make bones weaker. Some think this is because of an ingredient called phosphoric acid, but research shows it’s not the main problem. The real issue is that drinking soda often replaces healthier drinks like milk, which provides calcium for strong bones. Getting enough calcium can help protect bones from any effects of caffeine in cola.

Blood Sugar and Diabetes Risk

Drinking sugary soda can cause a quick rise in blood sugar, making the body less able to use insulin over time. Having just one soda a day has been linked to a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes. A study found that adding 150 extra calories of sugar to your daily diet can increase the risk of diabetes by 1.1%.

Liver Damage (NAFLD)

Soda contains fructose, a type of sugar that is processed by the liver. Drinking too much soda can cause fat to build up in the liver, leading to a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). If it gets worse, it can cause serious liver problems. This is why it’s important to limit sugary drinks.

Tooth Damage

Soda contains acids and sugars that can harm teeth. The acids wear down enamel, while the sugars feed bacteria that create even more acid, leading to cavities and infections. Drinking soda often can greatly increase the risk of tooth decay.

Heart Health Risks

Drinking soda regularly can raise blood pressure, increase bad cholesterol, and lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Studies show that having just one soda a day can increase the chances of a heart attack or heart-related death by 20%.

Healthier Drink Options for Strong Bones

Switching from soda to drinks rich in calcium, like milk or fortified plant-based options, can help keep bones strong, especially for kids and teens. Carbonated mineral water with calcium is also a great alternative, providing hydration without the harmful effects of soda.

Risk of Gout

Drinking sugary soda can raise uric acid levels, which increases the risk of gout. The fructose in soda triggers uric acid production, and studies show that regular soda drinkers have a much higher chance of developing gout—up to 75% more in women and nearly 50% more in men.

Better Drink Choices

Although soda might feel like a harmless treat, its long-term health effects can be serious. It can lead to weight gain, diabetes, weak bones, and heart problems, offering little besides its sweet taste. Choosing healthier drinks like water, herbal tea, or drinks rich in calcium can greatly improve health and lower the risk of long-term diseases.

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