The wealthy neighbor’s son broke my window — they refused to pay for it, but eventually, something unexpected happened to them as payback.

As Angela, a single mom to her 6-year-old daughter Penny and two pets, was setting the last dish on the dining table, she heard the sound of her living room window shattering. Glass flew everywhere, even on the food she had worked hard to prepare. 

Penny, scared and shaking, kept asking what happened. A baseball had almost hit her, missing her head by less than an inch. 

Angela hugged her daughter to calm her down, but she knew she had to find out who was responsible.

Over the past few months, the neighbor’s son got into baseball, turning the whole neighborhood into his practice field with balls flying everywhere. The 15-year-old had already injured an elderly neighbor, who had to go to the hospital, and Mrs. Harrison became another “victim.” While pulling weeds, a ball hit her so hard it took her a while to realize what happened.

Many neighbors put wooden boards over their windows to protect them from the boy, whose rich father let him do whatever he wanted. No one confronted the father because they were afraid of his wealth and influence.

But Angela had had enough. She understood how important sports were for kids, but this boy acted like he owned the neighborhood. 

Determined to act, she headed to their house and saw the boy’s father polishing his expensive car.

Holding the ball, now covered in blueberry pie from where it had landed, Angela told her neighbor that his son had broken her window and nearly hit her daughter.

He looked at her like she was beneath him and said she couldn’t be sure it was his son since she had no proof.

He refused to apologize or pay for the window, telling her to leave because he had a birthday party to plan. Even worse, he threatened to call the police on her for trespassing. As she was walking away, he turned on the sprinklers, soaking her.

Angela felt helpless. The man was awful and only cared about himself.

That evening, guests began arriving at the neighbor’s house for his birthday party, which was extravagant with a live band, disco balls, and food from two catering companies.

As Angela looked through the broken window, she saw something unexpected.

A group of young men in jerseys, holding footballs, lined up in front of the neighbor’s house and started throwing the balls at it. Windows shattered, and the guests screamed in shock.

The young men quickly left, leaving the neighbor furious. He yelled and ran after them, but they were much faster than him.

The next morning, the neighbor showed up at Angela’s door, banging on it and demanding she come outside.

“What’s the problem?” she asked calmly. 

“Don’t act like you don’t know! You ruined my party,” he accused her.

Angela replied, “But do you have proof it was me?” using his own words against him.

He stormed off, angry.

A few hours later, Mrs. Harrison visited Angela and asked if she had enjoyed watching their neighbor’s party get ruined. Angela was surprised. “Mrs. Harrison, did you plan all that?”

The elderly woman laughed and said her grandson’s football team owed her a favor.

“Sometimes karma just needs a little help,” she joked.

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