Bossy grandma insists on choosing the baby’s name, causing a big argument.

Picking a name for a grandkid can be tough for new grandparents.

It’s okay to have favorite names, but it’s important to be nice when suggesting them and not pushy.

A guy on Reddit had a tough time because his mom was causing problems with his wife during their pregnancy. Even though he told her to stop, he wondered if he was too harsh in sharing his thoughts.

A bossy grandma-to-be

A 25-year-old guy went on Reddit to ask if he was wrong, describing the problems he and his 25-year-old wife, Kenzie, were having as they awaited their first child.

Credit: Getty.

He said his parents were excited because this baby would be their first grandkid. But he noticed his mom was acting pretty crazy, especially towards Kenzie. He realized for the first time how pushy his mom could be.

He explained that after they announced the pregnancy, his mom told Kenzie they should name the baby Rodger if it’s a boy and Elizabeth if it’s a girl. Rodger was his mom’s grandpa, and she always wanted to name one of her sons that, but his dad always said no.

Credit: BSIP / Universal Images Group / Getty.

The Redditor’s mom kept bugging Kenzie, even though Kenzie told her they weren’t really looking for name suggestions and already had some names in mind. But the mom didn’t listen to her son and his wife. She kept insisting that the names were important and should be used.

A few weeks later, she asked Kenzie if they knew whether they were having baby Rodger or baby Elizabeth. Kenzie told her those names weren’t on their list, and they didn’t know yet. The guy said Kenzie mentioned his mom bringing up the names to him, but she didn’t make it seem like a big deal, so he didn’t say anything at that point.

Things got worse

It got even worse when the couple found out they were having a boy, and the mom decided to order baby stuff with the name Rodger on it without asking.

“We found out when she gave us a door decoration with ‘Rodger’ on it. I told her we hadn’t picked a name yet and wouldn’t until the baby is born,” the man said.

But the grandma-to-be didn’t stop there. She went ahead and posted about the clothes and baby items with ‘Rodger’ on social media, making it seem like they had already decided on the name, which wasn’t true.

That’s when the guy got really upset and talked to his mom face-to-face. She said it was important for them to listen to her because she’s going to be one of the baby’s grandparents.

The guy told her firmly that she didn’t have any right to name their baby and her opinion wasn’t needed or important. He said his mom told him it was rude to ignore her opinion and feelings and that he should respect her more.


After thinking about the argument, the Redditor wondered if he was too harsh on his mom. He realized he needed space from her pushy attitude but wasn’t sure if he handled it right. This situation shows how complicated it can be when family members get involved in naming a baby, so it’s important to set clear rules and talk respectfully.

Here’s what someone on the internet said:

“You should’ve stopped this earlier. The first time she was pushy, you should’ve said no like your dad did. Go on social media and tell everyone that your baby won’t be named those names. Instead of getting more upset, you should stop your mom.”

Someone else said:

“Your wife should block your mom, and you should handle all communication. It’s not right to make her deal with this, especially while pregnant or becoming a new parent.”

What’s your take? Would you have done the same thing if you were in this situation? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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