Small act of kindness

Tip your server. Return your shopping cart. Pick up a piece of trash, Hold the door for the person behind you. Let someone into your lane, Small acts can have a ripple effect. That’s how we change the world. Amen!

We all can’t change the world at once by ourselves, but simple acts of kindness can change the world one act at a time.

Saints are not extraordinary people who do ordinary things. There are ordinary people who did ordinary things in extraordinary ways.

 Sometimes we think that changing the world or causing a good change requires some extra super act. We think that we have to be rich or powerful to change the world, but it doesn’t take that much.

 It is in the little things. That’s how we change the world. 

You can change your world by doing something as simple as tipping your server. A lot of people find it hard to leave tips for their waiters, extra tips, or even the required tips. It doesn’t have to be a lot. 

When you’re done shopping, returning your shopping cart, going out of your way to pick up a piece of trash, holding the door for the person behind you, male or female, allowing someone to come into your lane. 

These small acts of kindness. They have a ripple effect. There’s something called the circle of love,  and it says that if you do an act of kindness, before the end of the day, that act of kindness cycles back to you. 

This is how we change the world. The simple acts of kindness that we do. That gives us a ripple effect that eventually comes back to us.

 I hope you’re changing your word one act of kindness at a time today.

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