Every bride wants her wedding to be perfect, but sometimes stress takes over, and they either lose control or show their true personality. Here are four shocking bridezilla stories shared by people on Reddit.
My Friend’s Marriage Lasted Only 14 Months
A friend of mine took out a $7,500 loan for her wedding, which seemed reasonable. But then she pressured her fiancé into taking out a $25,000 loan, threatening to leave him if he refused. He had good credit and got the loan, but she didn’t stop there.

She also convinced his parents to pay for their honeymoon without telling them about the loan. They believed her parents were covering a small garden wedding, and she kept lying to them until just weeks before the wedding. She constantly threatened to leave her fiancé if things weren’t done exactly her way.
His parents generously paid for an Alaskan cruise for their honeymoon, but she wanted more. She then lied to her parents, claiming his family had only given them $250 for the trip. Since her parents were already paying for the wedding and reception, they were upset and felt the groom’s family should contribute more.

Instead of working full-time, she insisted she was too busy planning the wedding and honeymoon. She only worked 20 hours a week as a receptionist at a nail salon and refused to get a better job.
We weren’t close, but she got my number from a mutual friend and called to ask if I would sing at her wedding. During our conversation, she shared all these wedding struggles. She also wanted her fiancé to take two and a half weeks off instead of the nine days he had already arranged.

When she asked for advice, I gently told her she might be putting too much pressure on everyone and suggested involving her fiancé more in the planning. Instead of listening, she got defensive and accused me of being mean and not wanting her to have a beautiful wedding.
She then started crying, said I was just like everyone else who didn’t want her to be happy, and abruptly hung up. She had always been dramatic and selfish in high school, but this was on another level.
Unsurprisingly, her marriage only lasted 14 months.
The Last-Minute Flower Disaster
I work as a florist, and one morning, a bride and her mother walked into our shop at 9 a.m. They needed a bridal bouquet, a corsage for the mother of the bride, a boutonniere for the groom, and six more for the groomsmen. The catch? Their wedding was at noon—just three hours away.
The bride flipped through our sample book, picking out elaborate arrangements with flowers that required at least a week’s notice to order. When we told her we didn’t have those specific flowers in stock, she was shocked. My boss explained that because they hadn’t ordered in advance, we could only work with what was available.

Instead of accepting this, the bride and her mother kept insisting that we should have the flowers they wanted. Frustrated, my boss finally took the sample book and tossed it behind the counter. The bride started crying and complaining that we were ruining her wedding. My boss, who wasn’t a fan of demanding brides, bluntly told her that she had ruined her own day by not planning ahead.
The mother tried to argue, accusing my boss of bad customer service. My boss calmly told her she was free to go to another florist down the street. The mother, still upset, said she would do just that and stormed out with the bride.

I thought that was the end of it, but my boss told us to start making simple orchid boutonnieres anyway. She also put together a quick bridal bouquet with some nearly-wilted white roses we had left.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later, the bride’s mother quietly came back and asked if we could still make the flowers. We did—but we also charged her a hefty rush fee.
The Bridezilla Gets What She Deserves
One day, my friend called me and excitedly asked me to be her maid of honor. At first, I was happy, but things quickly got weird.

She asked me to dye my hair blonde, demanded $1,000 for her bachelorette party, and even told me to lose 10 pounds. I was shocked and angry, thinking about teaching her a lesson.
But before I could do anything, karma stepped in.
A week after our argument—just one day before her wedding—she called me in a panic. “WHAT DID YOU DO?! My bank just froze my account!” she screamed.
Turns out, she had been spending so much money on extravagant wedding purchases that her bank suspected fraud and locked her account.

Since I worked as a banker and had helped my ex with a similar issue before, she wanted my advice. Instead, I refused to help her and hung up.
My Best Friend’s Wedding Disaster
My best friend of 15 years was a quiet bridezilla. Her wedding was planned in just two months, and she barely included me in anything. No dress shopping, no gift exchanges, no bachelorette party—she didn’t even want my input.
She just asked me to buy a dress, look nice, and show up. I thought, Fine, it’s her wedding. I’ll do whatever she wants.
On the wedding day, she even refused my help with her hair and makeup because she didn’t trust me to do it well. I let it go and focused on my own look.

Everything seemed fine—until I got a two-hour-long phone call from her sister after the wedding.
Her sister criticized everything I did, claiming I wasn’t involved enough. She even stalked my Facebook to see what I spent money on and said I should’ve spent more on the wedding instead of things like my bowling league.

The wedding was two days after Christmas, and her family skipped celebrating to focus on the wedding. Yet, I was blamed for not doing enough—even though I traveled three hours by train the day after Christmas to be with her before the big day.
She also expected me to stay after the wedding and hang out with the other bridesmaids, but I left with my boyfriend because I had work.
Originally, she said she’d pay for my makeup, but two weeks before the wedding, she changed her mind. She insisted I drive two hours to buy an expensive brand—knowing I was broke after Christmas shopping. I still bought it, but she thought I had an attitude.
Then, I got criticized for not giving her a wedding gift, even though she told me, “Being a bridesmaid is gift enough.”

After the wedding, she stopped talking to me and even blocked me on Facebook.
After months of being treated poorly, I cut both her and her sister out of my life. The last time I saw them was at the wedding—five years ago. I never even got to see the wedding photos.
It’s sad when long-term friendships end over nothing. If she had just told me what she expected instead of making me guess, things might have been different.